- My Application -
Applying to be full SOP member
1.) What is your current Runescape Display name?
2.) What timezone/country are you from?
US Mountain Time
3.) What are your current Runescape stats? [picture required]
4.) Do you have any clanning experience? [If so what?] (Name all clans that you have been in)
I have experience in #Destruction and #Resistance, and was a ranked caller in both.
5.) How did you find out about SOP?
Through warring them.
6.) Do you know any SOP Members? If so, Who?
SOP Droopy
7.) TeamSpeak is a REQUIREMENT to join. Confirm you have TS3.
8.) SOP has many events. Please post picture of your gear and inventory you would bring to the following trips:
F2P Miniwar:
P2P Trip [not essential]:
I dont do p2p trips.
9.) What do the following terms mean?
Spread: everyone in the clan spreads out (out of a dd, fi, or [less commonly] a pile)
Pile: everyone attacks the same target
Pushing: the clan attacks in the direction of the target
Hugging: the clan stays in the vicinity of some safety network (whether it be 1v1 combat or trees or whatever)
Tanking: taking all the damage from an opposing clan
Returning: going back to the fight when you die in the wild (or in a point-oriented mini)
10.) We like referrals, please post your referrals here:
Referral 1: SOP Droopy
11.) Throughout your application process you must attend at least one training session, please post your a picture proving you were at a session:
Does this count?:
12.) Please state that you have read the clan rules:
Ive read the rules.
13.) Please state that you have SWIFTKIT IRC:
I have swiftkit irc.